Community Partners

Community Partners

Community Partners

Arizona Criminal Justice Commission

The Arizona Criminal Justice Commission is the state's leading criminal justice resource agency and is responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and reporting on Arizona's criminal justice programs. They work to improve Arizona's criminal justice system by providing funding for trainings, drug control programs, victim services, and system improvement projects. They also house the state's criminal justice statistical analysis center that analyzes and reports on crime data including the Arizona Youth Survey, which is the largest, longest-running survey of youth in the nation.

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Arizona Governor's Office of Youth, Faith, and Family

The Arizona Governor's Office of Youth, Faith and Family provides resources to increase the efficacy and capacity of local organizations working to improve the well-being of Arizona families and connects citizens to available assistance for a variety of needs. They coordinate collaborations between compatible organizations and provide grants for organizations doing work related to child well-being, sexual and domestic violence, juvenile justice, service & volunteerism, and substance abuse prevention.

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Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (written as AHCCCS and pronounced 'access') is Arizona's Medicaid program, a federal health care program jointly funded by the federal and state governments for individuals and families who qualify based on income level. Contracted health plans coordinate and pay for physical and behavioral health care services delivered by more than 115,000 health care providers to more than 2 million Arizonans.

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Arizona Supreme Court – Adult Probation Services Division

The Adult Probation Services Division (APSD) of the Administrative Office of the Courts within the Arizona Supreme Court provides resources and training to improve the capabilities of Arizona Adult Probation Departments. The division works toward ensuring adequate resources are available to meet required operational standards based on applicable statutes, administrative orders, and funding requirements. The APSD staff provides support to pretrial services, facilitates training events and initiatives, conducts research and statistical compilation, and provides technical assistance and auditing for various probation-related matters such as access to treatment for probationers with mental or behavioral health needs, rehabilitation after re-entry, collaboration with tribal court systems, assessment- based supervision and more.

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Arizona Women's Recovery Center

Arizona Women’s Recovery Center provides services to support women in Arizona through their recovery journey. This includes outpatient programs for substance abuse and mental health, transitional housing, support for pregnant and parenting women in recovery, career services, and family counseling.

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Community Medical Services

Community Medical Services provides treatment for people with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) in Arizona and eight other states. CMS operates a 24-hour center for opioid treatment in Phoenix, and offers services including MAT, counseling, support for pregnant women with OUD, peer support programs, and services for incarcerated individuals with OUD. Additionally, CMS provides training and educational sessions on issues related to OUD. 

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Coping to Resilience Center

The Coping to Resilience Center serves as a resource to children of incarcerated individuals to provide support and teach skills in order to break intergenerational patterns of incarceration. They provide information and events aimed at helping children cope with their life circumstances and reach their full positive potential.

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Hushabye Nursery

Hushabye Nursery is a non-profit organization that provides support services for substance-exposed newborns and their parents dealing with substance use disorders. Some of their services include counseling, inpatient treatment for their babies, support groups, evidence-based courses on parenting and managing substance use, car seat safety, safe sleep and support in navigating health care and social services.

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JACOB'S HOPE is a non-profit, infant care center for Substance-Exposed Newborns (SEN). Using therapeutic comfort techniques and special feeding methods, this passionate CareTeam provides 24 hour, nurturing medical care for the babies, along with nonjudgmental support, training and resources for the families.

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La Frontera

La Frontera is a non-profit organization that takes a comprehensive approach to mental and behavioral health treatment and ensures affordable access to their services. Their services include outpatient and residential mental health and substance abuse treatment, housing, foster care services, employment assistance, crisis intervention, and education. 

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MATFORCE works to prevent and reduce substance abuse in their local community. They run prevention programs focused on youth, create campaigns to influence policy and inform the public on issues of substance abuse, educate professionals in the treatment space, and implement initiatives to reduce underage drinking.

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Native American Connections

Native American Connections provides a variety of substance abuse treatment services, medical health services, and transitional and affordable housing in Phoenix with a special focus on culturally adapted services for Native Americans. NAC is committed to keeping the family together in SUD treatment including residential services by admitting single parents with their dependent children, couples and families. Additionally, Native American Connections engages in several community development projects to preserve and celebrate Native American culture.

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NEXUS Coalition for Drug Prevention

The NEXUS Coalition is a community-based group working to reduce the use of drugs and alcohol among youth. Their efforts include influencing local policy, operating drug take-back programs, creating leadership and empowerment opportunities for youth, educating the community on issues of substance abuse, and more.

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Sonoran Prevention Works

Sonoran Prevention Works is an Arizona nonprofit organization that operates across the state to provide harm reduction services for people who use drugs and provide training on harm reduction methods to community members and professionals. Some of their services include providing safety materials like sterile syringes or Naloxone, conducting community-based HIV and hepatitis C screening, and providing peer support. Some of their training topics include stimulants 101, understanding harm reduction policy and advocacy, and how to prevent, recognize, and respond to an overdose.

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Southwest Behavioral & Health Services

Southwest Behavioral & Health Services offers a variety of services for people with substance abuse and other mental health disorders including outpatient treatment, inpatient crisis care, residential housing, in-home and supported housing services, services for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and four opioid replacement clinics throughout the state. Additionally, Southwest Behavioral & Health Services has several community outreach programs aimed at addiction prevention and youth services including school-based counseling.

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Southwest Human Development – Smooth Way Home

Southwest Human Development is a non-profit organization that works to promote the healthy development of Arizona's children. Smooth Way Home is a program within Southwest Human Development that aims to improve the social, developmental and medical outcomes of very fragile infants by enhancing the coordination of care and the quality of services provided to them as they transition from the newborn intensive care unit back to their home and community.

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University of Arizona Family Centered NAS Care Program

Banner University Medical Center of Tucson’s Family Centered NAS Care (FC-NAS) Program focuses on the mother/parents as the treatment for the infant. With this new method, infants are able to go home in approximately 5 to 10 days, compared to the previous method’s length of stay around 3 weeks or more. FC-NAS uses the MOM or “Moms Over Medicine” model. Moms/parents are the treatment for their baby. The parents are mentored and taught techniques to care for their infant and how to best manage NAS symptoms. We will be looking at three measures to assess the degree of baby’s signs of withdrawal: 1) can he/she eat, 2) sleep and 3) be consoled. The goal is for parents to stay at the bedside the entire time to take care baby; he or she will do best with parents. Members of our team will be there to back parents up if they need to leave for an appointment or other commitment. Parents in the FCNAS Care Program are offered a private nesting room with its own bathroom and full sized bed.

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Yavapai County Attorney's Office

The Yavapai County Attorney's Office is responsible for prosecuting felony, misdemeanor and juvenile crimes committed in their jurisdiction, representing county government, and ensuring the safety of their community. Some of their special programs include helping victims through the criminal justice system, diversion programs for low level offenders struggling with substance abuse, connecting residents to resources for mental health evaluation and treatment, and more.

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