Program Evaluation Measures

Program Evaluation Measures

Program Evaluation Measures


Below is a list of databases that provide measures of substance use and related topics. These databases were developed to encourage the standardization of data and comparable results across studies. On this page you can find a description of how to use each database and a sample of the topics covered by the measures provided within each.



Genetics Data Harmonization

This is a database developed by NIDA. Each instrument (questionnaire, measure) in this database is listed under the primary question that it targets. For example, if you are interested in measuring the number of different drugs an individual uses, you can click on “Domain #2: Number of Drugs Used Daily” and find a relevant measure that includes validated questions about the number of different drugs used regularly by an individual. You will also find closely related questions listed underneath with relevant measures that capture the related target question. You may find only one measure listed under a particular question, or you may find several. If there are several, they may differ slightly in what they measure, for example one may be aimed at alcohol use while another is aimed at tobacco use.

Subjects covered by the measures in this database include:

  • Largest amount of a particular substance used in a 24-hour period (quantity)
  • Number of drugs used daily (different drugs)
  • Duration of drug use
  • Early drug experience (initial use)
  • Total number of symptoms
  • Environmental variables
  • Age of onset
  • Availability of drugs
  • Interest in drugs based on drug availability
  • Withdrawal, cessation, quitting
  • Family history
  • Co-occurring symptoms

You can access this database here:


PhenX Toolkit: Substance Use and Addiction

This is a database developed by NIDA, RTI Internationalthe National Human Genome Research Institute, and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research. On the left hand side, you will find a menu of categories that the measures have been sorted into. Measures in the Tier 1 category are easy to use basic measures, such as current use status for addictive substances, age of first use, and 30-day quantity and frequency. The measures in Tier 2 are deemed slightly more time-consuming measures, but also measure important domains such as family history of substance abuse and social networks. Below the Tier 1 and Tier 2 categories on the menu, you can find other categories of measures for researchers interested in specific topics such as neurobehavioral and cognitive risk factors. Once you’ve chosen a category on the left, a list of measures will be displayed. Each includes a title that gives a brief description of what it measures and the collection (general category) it belongs to. On the top bar you can choose to organize the measures by individual title (“protocols”) or have them clustered by topic (“Measures”).

Subjects covered by the measures in this database include:

  • Age of first use (tobacco, alcohol)
  • 30-day use – quantity and frequency (tobacco, alcohol, other substances)
  • Demographic information
  • Quality of life
  • Family history of substance use
  • Peer/partner substance use
  • Addiction severity
  • Motives for substance use
  • Cravings
  • Responses to substance use
  • Cognitive and neurobehavioral risk factors
  • Psychosocial risk factors
  • Community factors
  • Co-morbidities
  • Health outcomes

You can access this database here:


NIDA CTN Common Data Elements

This is a database developed for the NIDA Clinical Trials Network. The measures in this database are divided into two categories based on the intended use. Measures that are intended to be used for research can be found under the “Clinical Research” tab, and measures that are intended for keeping health records can be found under the “Electronic Health Records” tab. Under each tab there are measures listed by their titles. If you click on the title of a particular measure, it will provide you with a description of the measure and what it is used for. Below the description, you will find links to download the measure.

Subjects covered by the measures in this database include:

  • Alcohol use disorder screening
  • Drug abuse screening
  • Nicotine dependence screening
  • Prescription medicine and other drug abuse screening
  • Necessity of clinical support for a patient
  • Common mental health disorder screening
  • Quantity of use for marijuana, cigarettes, and other drugs
  • Pain intensity
  • Consequences of chronic pain
  • Demographic information

You can access this database here: