Strategic Plan
In 2020, ASU hired LeCroy & Milligan Associates (LMA) to guide a strategic planning process that would guide SATRN’s priorities and efforts over the next three years. As part of this process, LMA assisted with facilitating SATRN’s two-day launch event in November 2020, which brought together dozens of academic researchers and community practitioners to learn from each other and engage in discussion on the next stages of SATRN’s development.
Following the launch, attendees were invited to complete a survey including questions about the workshop and their interest in future involvement with SATRN. Survey results provided input from multiple stakeholder perspectives on future steps in SATRN’s development, including preferences regarding communication methods, activities, and resources SATRN might provide. These perspectives, along with notes taken at the launch event, were considered in the development of strategies included in the plan.
In February 2021 LMA facilitated two virtual strategic planning sessions, including the six current SATRN Steering Committee members from ASU as well as five community partners representing diverse nonprofit and government organizations: the Arizona Judicial Branch, Probation Services; La Frontera; MATFORCE; Native American Connections; and Sonoran Prevention Works. The first session focused on foundational components of the plan (including development of mission, vision, and values statements), while the second centered on goal and strategy development.
Based on these meetings, as well as input from the launch meeting and follow-up survey, a formal strategic plan was developed collaboratively by LMA staff and the SATRN Steering Committee. The current version of the plan, dated August 2021, can be found here: